Today, it snowed, it snowed and it is staying. So far. I'm, not so thrilled. Oh well, there were no outdoor activities planned by me, so really I shouldn't care. Good thing I didn't try to go to the city today. Not that I would have had anyone to take with me. I just finished watching Spanglish again, with my little sisters, and with my mom walking back and forth, trying to get me to sort out all of my stuff. My room, well, the room I sleep in, is basically just boxes.
When I first moved home, I was motivated to unpack it all, and get rid of all the crap so I had a livable space to be in. It never really happened. It's not that I'm lazy, which I can be when it comes to organizing (only those who can attest to this (Rae) can comment, otherwise, shut it), and it's not like the feat was overwhelming. It isn't that much stuff. I think it occured to me yesterday that, I don't want to be home here, I don't want it to feel home-like, or maybe I don't want to try because I know it won't. That begs the question, where do I want to be?....I don't know.
So anyway, I've been going through all of this stuff, finding very little that I even want to keep in boxes, so that in a couple years I'll go through it again, and throw out the same stuff today that I am keeping. The stuff that I am keeping includes gems such as my brownies and girl guides sashes with badges, a portfolio I made for English class in Senior 2 (thanks Ms. Steinke!), and a bunch of tea towels that my Grandma gives us when we turn 16.
Cherise said yesterday that she was doing the same thing, going through all her stuff, and she found her old diaries. I'm sure mine are all long thrown out, and I'm also sure there was nothing worth reading and reflecting back on. I'm one without long term dreams, and that actually kinda sucks. I almost feel obligated now to have some offlandish thing to be aiming for (and, um, no, nothing like being a backup dancer).
When I first moved home, I was motivated to unpack it all, and get rid of all the crap so I had a livable space to be in. It never really happened. It's not that I'm lazy, which I can be when it comes to organizing (only those who can attest to this (Rae) can comment, otherwise, shut it), and it's not like the feat was overwhelming. It isn't that much stuff. I think it occured to me yesterday that, I don't want to be home here, I don't want it to feel home-like, or maybe I don't want to try because I know it won't. That begs the question, where do I want to be?....I don't know.
So anyway, I've been going through all of this stuff, finding very little that I even want to keep in boxes, so that in a couple years I'll go through it again, and throw out the same stuff today that I am keeping. The stuff that I am keeping includes gems such as my brownies and girl guides sashes with badges, a portfolio I made for English class in Senior 2 (thanks Ms. Steinke!), and a bunch of tea towels that my Grandma gives us when we turn 16.
Cherise said yesterday that she was doing the same thing, going through all her stuff, and she found her old diaries. I'm sure mine are all long thrown out, and I'm also sure there was nothing worth reading and reflecting back on. I'm one without long term dreams, and that actually kinda sucks. I almost feel obligated now to have some offlandish thing to be aiming for (and, um, no, nothing like being a backup dancer).
i'm also going through all my stuff today. i actually really enjoy stuff like this, call me a dork! except the clothes part. i'm going to try stuff on. maybe it will be even more inspiration to eat less! as for diaries, those are hilarious and stashed for my kids...
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:28 AM
Oh yes... the old diary's. I don't think I'll let my kids read them...I'd be embarrassed. I went through my clothes too and ended up with a whole garbage bag to give to MCC! AND I found my grad ring and another ring that I thought I had lost in one of the pockets of capri's I hadn't worn since last summer!!! But alas that's it for hilights of going through things...I hate going through old things too...I'm a pack rat so I usually just end up keeping everything anyway!
Posted by
Lori |
2:43 PM
Oh, how was Spanglish? I've been told it's more of a 'wait to rent' movie, so I'll have to get it soon.
Posted by
Neely |
7:06 PM