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A year in review

It's been...an interesting year. I often think of it as the first because it was technically my first out of high school. Did I go to univerisity in that year? Mostly no. Did I work a lot? Somewhat. I had some truly unforgettable times though. Lethbridge in March. Sweet sweet babies. Climbing Bear's Hump, which was harder than it had to be. My car breaking down, numerous times. Waiting for interviews at the fishing lodges. Not getting and then getting a job at a fishing lodge. Waiting to go up there, because of the cold cold winter we had. Going up north. Doing a bunch of things for the first time. Making some longer-than-forever friends. Working harder and longer than I had ever worked before. Learning a lot about who I am, who I was, and who I could be. Whatever weiner. Reinforced values. Finding out who my real friends were. Starting to blog a lot less than I used to. (Did you see me in January? whew!) Getting laid off early. Getting reunited. Going to Pam's wedding. Moving out, and starting university. Bought a car. Got a job, so I could afford car. Meeting random people from the internets. Feeling better about who I am, and who I'm supposed to be. Doing homework. Actually doing homework. Late runs, and drives. Finding a church I love.

I rang in this year at Church of the Rock, at the young adults formal. It was...awesome. The last moments of 2004 were spent in worship and prayer. I could make a list of all the things I want to accomplish this year, but I know I'll just fall flat on my face. So, we'll just see where I'm taken this year.

I've become way more outspoken this year. I used to never be able to tell someone what was on my mind. There are of course, exceptions to this, as I'm still not able to do the confrontation thing. I've made many resolutions to myself this year, unconciously, and without voicing them. I don't feel at the moment, that I should be making any for this year. Not yet anyway.