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Tina, you fat lard, come get some DINNER!

It's tired, and I'm late. Oops. No, wait. Wait, that's wrong. Meh. Well, today's been that kind of day. Why did both of my classes have to be deathly boring? And then, why was it so cold I just wanted to cry because it hurt so much? Why does my life blur the line between reality and...well, not? I think I'm alone there. Why can't I be a big girl?

I bought ski-pants today. They'll probably go straight to my car, rarely to be used again after tobagganing on Sunday (which, if the weather's ok, I'm still looking forward to) It might not though. *sigh* Who doesn't like Napoleon Dynamite? I, well, don't understand them. I can see why my little sister didn't like it, she likes movies like...Honey, Dirty Dancing Havana Nights, (which I do love too) you know, teenage girl-things. But, Napoleon, he's just so...so...gosh! You idiots!

I'd say more but, I'm being watched.
