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Cold outside? Uh, heck yeah. I really pity anyone who had to walk farther than I did today, which isn't too far. Cold, cold, cold. What can I say, the weather's a boring subject.

Today started the second semester. Can't you tell I'm super excited about it? I started a new class today, and an old class with a different prof. It's actually a lot to get used to. Pretty soon I'm going to be procrastinating about doing homework. For now I can enjoy, just doing nothing. During my new class, Introduction to Management and Organization Theory (sounds great, eh) we have to have name cards (argh) and answer questions. Random ones. Like, who's the most famous person you've met. Thank goodness I didn't have to answer that. And, what do you think you're good at. I just.hate.that. This is one reason why I hated the beginning of all our bible studies last semester. Because, at the beginning, we always went around in a freakin circle, and said stuff about ourselves. Well, really, I have an inkling everyone hates that, but maybe I'm wrong. But what do a bunch of near strangers care what my favourite thanksgiving memory was? ( I didn't have one) Plus, I never have good, memorable, or vaguely coherent answers to those questions. I.hate.them. Hate. If you want to actually know something personal about me (probably not) why won't you just personally freakin' ask me. Because two seconds later you'll forget what I said in a big group anyway. Why'd you want to know in front of a big group anyway?? Who.Really.Cares? It's not a 'getting to know' you exercise, it's a 'everyone else does this, so let's too' exercise.

I just watched the last bit of Love Actually on tv. I can't believe I missed most if it! I love that movie. Sigh.

If you're looking for something entertaining to do, Just Letters is kinda fun actually, if not just to watch what other people are trying to spell.