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The Weekend

Yeah, I'm becoming real crap at updating this thing at all. Which doesn't make a difference to a lot of people, but I'm not doing this for other people. So I forgot to mention in my last post, I've been here for a year! Happy Birthday blog! So exciting huh? I'm pretty proud. Last night we watched Dirty Dancing Havana Nights. Good, pretty good. Good music anyway.

So this weekend, I'll be staying in for the first time, instead of coming home. I'm pumped. It'll be an interesting weekend. I don't know yet what we'll do. Oh, you know what? I got my car fixed! Isn't that a typical statement from me? But, no, seriously, I just got a new battery. (Ouch, on the credit card!) So, as good as new, and now I can look forward to paying for gas, regularily, because I HATE to ask people for money from rides. Plus, it's tougher when they don't offer, even when YOU paid them for the last ride the gave you. Hmph.

Last week me and my roommate declared 'health week'. I think we did alright. I mean there was an excuse almost everyday to cheat on this but it always seemed justified. So I thought maybe this week would be my no coffee-no diet coke week. UM, NO. My mom bought me two cases of DC because she had coupons. Isn't that awesome?

Um, so as for what's going on with me. A lot is. Just ask me, but don't complain when you get your ear talked off. Maybe I'll share here one day, but I'm still figuring it out. And that's the thing, I'm trying to figure myself out. It'll read like an essay, I promise you won't like it.
