« Home | Hey, how's it going? In a few minutes, I'm going o... » | I'm so freakin' bored out of my mind. I move in 3 ... » | Yesterday was Pam's wedding. It was beautiful. It ... » | Well, I didn't bruise at all from my donation, I t... » | Look at me! Look at me! Look what I did! Aren't yo... » | Whoa, people are actually listening to my call-to-... » | I'm sitting here listening to the rain fall outsid... » | There are times in my life where a butterfly takes... » | You know, comfort comes in the strangest forms som... » | Wow, I can't believe I slept this late. Bugger. Co... »

I feel...poor. Yesterday, I went to the city with my mom and little sisses. We dropped off some of my stuff at my new place, and got to witness first-hand the cleaning schedule, with the nice little footnote of something to the effect of cleaning our owns rooms is our responsibility. Um, I can predict a little bit of head bashing coming on. Anyone who knows me knows I am incapable of keeping my own room clean. Who's business is it anyway? duh. As well, the sign in the bathroom that said one shower per day per person was also a sight to behold. I keep thinking that we must have some kind of privacy rights, and then I remember that I never signed a lease, or any document at all. I'll make it through.

Then we went to the campus, and I spent more than I ever had until this very morning. DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE TEXTBOOKS ARE? Well, I guess most people do, but I'd like to take this oppurtunity to say that I'm open to any and all charitable donations. This morning I paid my tuition, which was more than twice as much as the textbooks. Did I mention I didn't even buy all the textbooks? I figured that I'd wait and see if I'll need some of the optional ones. I will probably, this just breaks it up a little.

Oh, before I forget again, huge shoutout to Damon who signed my guestmap. I love people who sign my guestmap. If you sign my guestmap, I love you forever. *hint*

I also went grocery shopping for the first time today (for groceries I mean). Okay, so my mom paid and she will be paying for the rest of the year, but still. First time for just me! Hmm, easy mac, wheat tins (ha), pasta, oatmeal(!), and you know the usual stuff, bread, milk, margarine. No meat though. Not quite yet. How exciting is my shopping list!
