« Home | There are times in my life where a butterfly takes... » | You know, comfort comes in the strangest forms som... » | Wow, I can't believe I slept this late. Bugger. Co... » | Well, here I amI didn't want to say I'm home, beca... » | 14 more days and I'm home. It was supposed to be t... » | It's finally my day off again, and I'm bored out o... » | Hey everybody what's going on? (I feel like I've s... » | This is my mass email I'd rather not repeat it al... » | Hey, hey...so it's about time I add something hey... » | Guess I don't have to worry about being homesick S... »

I'm sitting here listening to the rain fall outside my window again. Not very clearly given the noisy computer we've got, but it's still nice nonetheless. I love the rain. It wasn't really warm enough today to justify having rain tonight. But it's nice :)

Tonight we said 'goodbye' to Holly. We will see her at Christmas. And New Year's of course! I'm glad we had the talk we did tonight. I am really sick of pretending to be friends with people I would never choose to spend my time with. As the girls I spent the summer with can testify to, I've become quite a bit more outspoken. I can get very opinionated sometimes. Anyway. I think I can be a bit freer with speech here since these people are internet illiterate, especially ill-blog-literate. Hey, you, you're not interesting. Ha, I said it.

That said, Holly I will miss you much, even though I went for the whole summer without seeing you. It's seeing you after I'm back is what made me realize how much I did miss you, and everyone. I know you'll be too busy to miss us when you're gone, and it'll pretty much be the same way around. I'll email you if you email me.
