« Home | It's finally my day off again, and I'm bored out o... » | Hey everybody what's going on? (I feel like I've s... » | This is my mass email I'd rather not repeat it al... » | Hey, hey...so it's about time I add something hey... » | Guess I don't have to worry about being homesick S... » | so this is... Well, this might be it for a while, ... » | Credits to Holly ;)Posted by Hello Yeah this was ... » | it gets less and less good each time To make a sho... » | wooo! new digital camera! My latest efforts: Heidi... » | I am at a huge crossroads. I need to know what I'l... »

14 more days and I'm home. It was supposed to be two weeks later than that. I don't suppose I mind all that much. It is a lot of money to lose out on, but this way I still get a little summer. But I come home on the last day of the Harvest Festival. Boo. I guess I'm not missing out on too much anyway. My parents are coming up here tomorrow night. They're going to stay in one of the guests cabins here. Yeah, don't really have much to say yet. Somebody should call me.
