« Home | Guess I don't have to worry about being homesick S... » | so this is... Well, this might be it for a while, ... » | Credits to Holly ;)Posted by Hello Yeah this was ... » | it gets less and less good each time To make a sho... » | wooo! new digital camera! My latest efforts: Heidi... » | I am at a huge crossroads. I need to know what I'l... » | You know this is just feeding my procrastination h... » | Yesterday me and my parents went to the city...we ... » | The One With... I just watched the last episode of... » | Good news everybody... My (new) boss called me at ... »

Hey, hey...so it's about time I add something hey? Well this is the first time I'm using the internet in about a week so, I'm a little rusty. I've only been here for...ooh 18 days i think...and it feels like a lifetime. Each day feels like a week. Getting up at 5 is only getting harder. Well it was sure hard this morning after last night's hockey game went into overtime. Geez, and they didn't even win. Stayed up an extra 20 minutes, and then 30 seconds into it they score geez. I saw geez and eh quite a bit now. Many influences. It could be worse though, much much worse. Anyway, I've learned so so much since starting here it's unreal. I'm thinking about getting a waitressing job when I get back to the city. Very very part time though, I just want to learn to be a better waitress. Funny how priorities change. I don't really want to be a waitress, if you know what I mean, I just like having certain skills. Don't get worried, but I'm really starting to like the smell of pine sol lately. I've been on bathroom duty the last few days, and cleaning about 15 bathrooms in the morning. Better that than vacuuming. Anyhoo, I guess today is Eva's wedding huh? Well, in about an hour anyway. I wonder if my mom is going. hmm. I've called my mom a few times, mostly about stuff I want her to sent me though. My package is being sent today and getting here tomorrow. It'll be pretty huge. My birthday is on Tuesday. (shh!) I think I might get thrown in the lake. Might, we'll see. Which would be bad because the ice only cleared off last week sometime. I've alreaded waded in it a few times when it's been hot and called crazy for that, but what can you do. But it really hasn't been that warm here yet. Anyway, i've got to take a nap this afternoon because we're going to watch Dirty Dancing tonight. laters!
