« Home | Yesterday me and my parents went to the city...we ... » | The One With... I just watched the last episode of... » | Good news everybody... My (new) boss called me at ... » | Mk, I know it's 2 AM on Sunday morning, but I just... » | Oh, don't leave home... The other day, I started t... » | Heyhey so...it's been awhile. I don't know what to... » | As it turns out, we ended up not going to the city... » | Yes, so yesterday I went to the city with my mom a... » | It has yet to be determined whether my recent penc... » | So yesterday, yesterday. Me and Holly went to the ... »

You know this is just feeding my procrastination habit
So now, I'll be leaving a week from today. Apparently there isn't any open water (for float planes to land on). I honestly wonder how they discovered that. Poor pilots. So I really have packed a scrap of anything. Bad, considering I'm basically packing up everything I own. So basically I'm lazing around waiting for things to happen to me. Um, I went out for coffee with my aunt and cousin today. Tomorrow I'm seeing New York Minute with Linds (Did I just admit that!?) Friday I'm going to the city (cross your fingers...it's supposed to be +14!). And on Saturday a bunch of people are going to see Troy. Hmm, I should probably call around so that nobody gets missed. Oh yes, yesterday Lori, Holly, and Meagan came over and we watched Love Actually, and Three to Tango. I love English actors. *sigh* It's just like in the movie when Colin goes to America, and even though he's bleeding ugly, he gets all these American girls. I'm like that, without the sex. Or any of it really.

I'm getting really sick of worrying about what to take in university. I'm at the point where I'm going to make up my schedule for next year, focused in nursing. With the intent of oneday, maybe I'll be a nurse. And maybe I'll learn to like it. But I don't feel anything about it really. I used to think about becoming a nurse and I'm get really excited, like really happy about this life I was going to have, and now...nothing. Not even dread. Nothing. So, I'll go through this and see where it takes me. I guess.

But I haven't even talked about the weather yet! A few days ago it was freezing rain, with inches of snow on the ground, at the same time it was thundering and lightening. That was an interesting morning. So that's pretty much why I haven't been able to go to the city yet this week. But anyhoosers, I'll take some pictures yet, and post them for all to see, cuz it's insane.
