« Home | Heyhey so...it's been awhile. I don't know what to... » | As it turns out, we ended up not going to the city... » | Yes, so yesterday I went to the city with my mom a... » | It has yet to be determined whether my recent penc... » | So yesterday, yesterday. Me and Holly went to the ... » | Guess what kind of music I'm listening to? Not cou... » | Oh look! Summer's here early! Woo...new site desig... » | Mmmk, I've come to somewhat of a conclusion. I can... » | Yes, yes I should be sleeping already, so that tom... » | Well, I better get this in before the internet goe... »

Oh, don't leave home...
The other day, I started to pack up my stuff. Unfortunately, this also includes cleaning. Bleh. I hate cleaning. Almost as much as I hate packing. I'm packing up all my stuff. Then I'm moving upstairs so my little sisters will both be in the basement. Muhaha, they deserve each other. So basically, only a few weeks til I leave. I feel so sick of talking about it...and then I feel unprepared, and caught by surprise when I haven't thought about it for a day.

Eva-g brought her wedding invitation by today. I could just sit and cry. For a long time.

Oh so one of my co-workers has pneumonia. Fun times.
