It has yet to be determined whether my recent penchant for classical music is clearing my mind or clouding it. I usually tune out music after awhile, but I'm finding now it's tuning me out. Anyhoo...
Tomorrow I will probably, most likely be going to the city with my mom to see my place. I still have to call, and I'm bad at that. But other than that, it's another day off. I've been requested to wake up at 6:30 to pray for someone, but other than that I will be sleeping sleeping sleeping. We're only going in late, so I've got a full day of nuthin' planned.
Today at work we had to replace one of the pc's and my boss just keeps going on and on about how she thinks I'm such a computer whiz. Yeah, really I don't get it because, I mean, you plug things out and plug things in. There just computers, and they will probably behave the way you expect them to. Unlike people :P
Tomorrow I will probably, most likely be going to the city with my mom to see my place. I still have to call, and I'm bad at that. But other than that, it's another day off. I've been requested to wake up at 6:30 to pray for someone, but other than that I will be sleeping sleeping sleeping. We're only going in late, so I've got a full day of nuthin' planned.
Today at work we had to replace one of the pc's and my boss just keeps going on and on about how she thinks I'm such a computer whiz. Yeah, really I don't get it because, I mean, you plug things out and plug things in. There just computers, and they will probably behave the way you expect them to. Unlike people :P