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makin sweet sweet babies
So my legs are sore, I've got a achy chest. But enough about me, Holly's bum hurts!!! Yesterday we went to Waterton National Park and climbed this little wussy trail that I could barely even make it up, so a 15-20 minute hike turned into probably a 30 minute or more hike. Yes so the trail went up to Bear's Hump or whatever it would be called. The view was alright I guess. You could probably say that when you get to the top it's worth it, but only because you forget the searing pain in your legs, chest, abdomen, etc. I prayed for death and meant it. Anyway this proves to me I need to get out a bit more. But about Holly's bum...on the way down we were going pretty fast, because I mean it's all downhill. And a lot at the top is just snow and ice covered. Me and Joel were ahead of Holly and Phil, and all of a sudden I hear something, I turn around and see Holly sliding backwards on her bum...it was so funny. I got a few pictures but I haven't even filled up a whole film yet. Anywho, we went here and this was the view from Bear's Hump (except less green)
