Hey! Let's pretend it's Tuesday! Yay! Tomorrow we're leeeeeeeeeeeeaving...on a jet plane! What?! Tomorrow? I haven't packed yet!! Well, not much of anything yet anyway. And Eric's probably-couldn't-see-why-not-for-sure coming with!! Wooooooo! I'm mostly excited because I get to spend time with Eric and Holly and get my computer!! Oh, yeah, and Phil and Joel too.
Tonight I was watching the Passionate Eye, the 'segment' or whatever was called American Virgins. It was...very interesting. It mostly focused on a program called The Silver Ring Thing. Vewwy interesting.
Anyhoo, it looks as if I won't be spending any time with my Cherisy before she leaves...although she did offer that we go to the bar tomorrow morning..hmmm...right.
Tonight I was watching the Passionate Eye, the 'segment' or whatever was called American Virgins. It was...very interesting. It mostly focused on a program called The Silver Ring Thing. Vewwy interesting.
Anyhoo, it looks as if I won't be spending any time with my Cherisy before she leaves...although she did offer that we go to the bar tomorrow morning..hmmm...right.