« Home | So, my parents settled on a Intrigue. It's not bad... » | So that's the way it goes.. Look! Look! Someone si... » | Discount shopping is the life!! (just thought I'd ... » | The Friday Five Because I'm bored... 1. What was ... » | So, please view my little guest map down there...a... » | Say goodnight, not goodbye We'll have to say goodb... » | Mirror Mirror, Mirror on the wall; Have I got it? ... » | alright already I guess everyone pretty much knows... » | Decisions, decisions, decisions Well, I'll let you... » | So, I guess I should say what I've been up to late... »

D'ya see that countdown there? Do ya? In ten minutes it will say 2 days until Lethbridge!! Wooooooo. Included in those two (actually three) days are 21 hours of work, including eight tomorrow. woo.

So people are slowly starting to sign (or post to) my guestmap. You wouldn't believe how pumped I get when a new person signed it. Funny thing is, none of my friends have signed it yet...hmmmm
