« Home | I got my 'Certificate of Acceptance' from U of M y... » | I just decided that I'm a barlow girl. That is all. » | I swear I got this first try, but I would've prefe... » | A wise woman just said to me: '(you are) interesti... » | I just thought I'd post to say...everyone is getti... » | Take my lame little quiz. Please. » | There's nothing like a little lip service on a Sun... » | My car works so well now! I'm pumped! It's so awes... » | I was having a very un-smiley day. Well, that's in... » | Not exactly the night anyone plans on having... We... »

So, I guess I should say what I've been up to lately. Tonight I went to an interview for yet another lodge....Grass River. It went alright as far as 'interviews' go, although I don't think she really walked away with any more information than she came with. Eh, well. Life goes on, job or no.

I picked up the new BarlowGirl CD today. It's alright for a first CD from a band, I guess. Some of the melodies are a little, well, I don't know the word but, it just sounds like a debut album. The lyrics are also a little awkward: No more dating/I'm just waiting/Like sleeping beauty/My prince will come for me...and that awkward chant part doesn't make it any easier.

'nother Passion link. And a lot more...
