A wise woman just said to me: '(you are) interesting because even though you're doing nothing, you recognize it as doing something so you're not bored with whatever that something/nothing is.' Or maybe I just think she's wise because she told me I wasn't boring?
Is there something wrong with me because I love the show Date Patrol? I think maybe I just like seeing people who were...not so good looking look better afterwords. Kinda like Extreme Makeoever, just less....extreme.
What if I see more to my life than what's there? What if I'm just delusional?
Is there something wrong with me because I love the show Date Patrol? I think maybe I just like seeing people who were...not so good looking look better afterwords. Kinda like Extreme Makeoever, just less....extreme.
What if I see more to my life than what's there? What if I'm just delusional?