« Home | I.am.so.boring. So what's new with me, you ask? We... » | Oh dear, I'm trying to scrounge up a meaningful po... » | baddest ruffest So I woke up 'specially this morni... » | Those words are not enough... Well, my cousin got ... » | Does everyone hate it as much as I do when the pho... » | Yeah, I'm definetly in the wrong business. I don't... » | HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOLLY!!! First things...it's HOLLY'... » | brrrr... Can't say I've been up to much lately, be... » | don't understand There are a few things I don't un... » | So, much to say about this evening. Shall I start ... »

birds fly over the rainbow, why, oh why, can't i?
I just finished watching 'You've Got Mail', which has been repeating on television for about two weeks, and I finally sat down to watch it for, about the fifth time. I still love it as much as the first time. There's just something about it that's so simple. Everything works out perfectly in the end, as of course you'd expect it to. It is a Meg Ryan movie, after all. *sigh* if only life were like that.

Today I went out for coffee with Jamie. Oh sometimes I wonder. I got updated on all I've missed from oh say, the last four weeks or so in which I haven't seen her. She's insisting that she 'set me up' with someone. Oh geez. I honestly believe no one believes me. Ever. By 'believing me' I mean that no one ever takes me seriously when I say that I'm not interested in....what else...guys.

Anyhoo, no one wants to hear about that...
