So what's new with me, you ask? Well, nothing. Nothing's been new the last 40 or so times I've been asked that question. Let's talk about me and not you, you say? I'd have to say that I find everyone else way more fascinating than myself. I'd way rather hear about what's new with you, what's going on with you? I'd rather hear all about people's problems (as long as they're not whining), than listen to myself talk about all of my half-baked plans. I find myself incredibly boring. Anyway...
Chances are that I didn't get the job at Kississing, but I was expecting that for a long time already. We'll see about Fireside, but I'm not too confident about that either. If I don't get either, I'm not sticking around Wholesale because, well, I just can't. On that note, I'll need a good paying, full-time job this summer, I just don't know what to do. Maybe hook myself up with a passport and hop a plane to Europe for a while. I've contemplated it. I mean, I've only paid my application fee to Uni, and I've made promises to no one. What's keeping me here? Oh yeah, free place to live. Right.
So what's new with me, you ask? Well, nothing. Nothing's been new the last 40 or so times I've been asked that question. Let's talk about me and not you, you say? I'd have to say that I find everyone else way more fascinating than myself. I'd way rather hear about what's new with you, what's going on with you? I'd rather hear all about people's problems (as long as they're not whining), than listen to myself talk about all of my half-baked plans. I find myself incredibly boring. Anyway...
Chances are that I didn't get the job at Kississing, but I was expecting that for a long time already. We'll see about Fireside, but I'm not too confident about that either. If I don't get either, I'm not sticking around Wholesale because, well, I just can't. On that note, I'll need a good paying, full-time job this summer, I just don't know what to do. Maybe hook myself up with a passport and hop a plane to Europe for a while. I've contemplated it. I mean, I've only paid my application fee to Uni, and I've made promises to no one. What's keeping me here? Oh yeah, free place to live. Right.