« Home | I just decided that I'm a barlow girl. That is all. » | I swear I got this first try, but I would've prefe... » | A wise woman just said to me: '(you are) interesti... » | I just thought I'd post to say...everyone is getti... » | Take my lame little quiz. Please. » | There's nothing like a little lip service on a Sun... » | My car works so well now! I'm pumped! It's so awes... » | I was having a very un-smiley day. Well, that's in... » | Not exactly the night anyone plans on having... We... » | oh.dear. I was just searching for who was linking ... »

I got my 'Certificate of Acceptance' from U of M yesterday...I'm so excited! It's not like I didn't expect to get it, I've just been waiting for it for so long now. Now I at least know for sure what I'm doing next year, and what I'm working towards. Apartment hunting is actually going pretty well, I didn't think I'd have so many options. For one thing, I won't be living in dorms, what with the not having a private bathroom thing. Maybe next year I'll apply to be in the apartment-like dorms, where it'd be much better.

Oh, and about the Barlow Girl thing, it might mean something different for everyone...so... First of all they're a band, who had a song written about them by Superchic[k]. If you're too lazy to research it...this is what most 'barlow girls' follow:

Trust- "We believe that God is calling everyone to live a life that is fully surrendered to Him so that He can do His work in us and begin to show us His true purpose for our lives. We're definitely not saying 'we've mastered this concept and now it's your turn', but instead that this is a daily process and a journey that all of us will be on forever."

Purity- "In a world that constantly bombards us with impurity and immodesty, we feel called to take a stand against what the world is telling us is acceptable. Especially in the area of clothing and modesty."

Not dating- "We believe that God has one perfect man already chosen for us; therefore we have no need to worry ourselves in searching for him. When the time is right we know God will bring us together. In the meantime we are not hiding in a closet avoiding all males. We are still living our lives, just without the pressure of having to have a boyfriend."

So, to me, at this point, it's pretty much the 'not dating' and 'purity' parts that I'm 100% committed to (mostly because, as many of you are thinking right now, I haven't dated before, and a few of you are snickering that I couldn't get a date if I tried). Let's just say I have trust issues all around.

This article pretty much sums up why I won't be seeing 'The Passion.' In addition to the fact it was ADVERTISED in my church. Argh.
