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Decisions, decisions, decisions
Well, I'll let you know what I decide when I'm given a choice. Kidding. I do have a few things on my mind right now though. Like the lady from Grass River was supposed to call today, which she didn't...which could mean one of two things, first, that the weather was bad on Sunday and she could only finish her interviews today, or second, she didn't know my phone number because she didn't have my resume at the interview. I knew I should've brought a copy along. Oh well, her daughter-in-law better have a copy. I'm still still waiting for the lodge from Ontario to call back...but apparently you have to wait forever, says people who've gone there before. I don't really care what I do this summer, I just want to make enough money so that I can live at least comfortably next year.

As for where I'm going to live, I definetly have more than a few options. A few that probably won't work out, a few that could, and one that will. Which one that is...I don't know quite yet.

Well, do you think that I should get a PC or a notebook for school next year? Like I said to Kenny, I don't want to be the dorky freshman that carries her laptop around to each class with her. I would love to have a full PC system at home that could do virtually anything...but a notebook would be good for taking home on the weekend...hmm...I suppose that's a decision in itself. I'll have to consult people who actually know what they're doing, cause I sure don't.

Last night I lay awake, thinking that the thing that was going to wake me up was a call from grass river. I even dreamt I slept in until I woke up and saw that the clock said 7:30. Then I dozed in and out til 11:00 when I finally decided that I should get out of bed. I had answered at least four calls that were all not for me, which is weird because I rarely ever ever answer the phone because I hate it. So, whether the call comes tomorrow or not, I'm trying not to care too much.
