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Yes so The Passion. I cried and I have a headache. I do recommend it for those who are able to discriminate what's real from what's CLEARLY not. I mean, it's, should I say 'good'? to see what our Saviour might've gone through. For you. I mean, if you were the only person ever to believe in Him, He'd still do it. I really didn't feel the love from the movie though. At all. It was very relicy. Yeah, I know that didn't make sense. It's just that catholicism creeps the heck out of me. Most people seem content to glaze over and just watch the movie, unawares as to how brainwashy it is. I mean to Christians. To some, it'll be there first exposure to Christianity, which is sad, because they should be experiencing the love of Christ through Christians around them. But anyway, all that stuff that involved Mary was so....I guess it was creepy. Mel thinks we should worship Mary I guess. As someone that's not terribly educated in the Bible, all I can say is TOO MANY know what I icons (which are very unBibley).
You know what I mean.
Ok ok, for instance, when that lady with the shroud (apparently "Veronica") wiped 'Jesus'' face, I recognized it as being the Shroud of Turin, and that was not a good feeling :S....
Yes so The Passion. I cried and I have a headache. I do recommend it for those who are able to discriminate what's real from what's CLEARLY not. I mean, it's, should I say 'good'? to see what our Saviour might've gone through. For you. I mean, if you were the only person ever to believe in Him, He'd still do it. I really didn't feel the love from the movie though. At all. It was very relicy. Yeah, I know that didn't make sense. It's just that catholicism creeps the heck out of me. Most people seem content to glaze over and just watch the movie, unawares as to how brainwashy it is. I mean to Christians. To some, it'll be there first exposure to Christianity, which is sad, because they should be experiencing the love of Christ through Christians around them. But anyway, all that stuff that involved Mary was so....I guess it was creepy. Mel thinks we should worship Mary I guess. As someone that's not terribly educated in the Bible, all I can say is TOO MANY know what I icons (which are very unBibley).
You know what I mean.
Ok ok, for instance, when that lady with the shroud (apparently "Veronica") wiped 'Jesus'' face, I recognized it as being the Shroud of Turin, and that was not a good feeling :S....