« Home | Mirror Mirror, Mirror on the wall; Have I got it? ... » | alright already I guess everyone pretty much knows... » | Decisions, decisions, decisions Well, I'll let you... » | So, I guess I should say what I've been up to late... » | I got my 'Certificate of Acceptance' from U of M y... » | I just decided that I'm a barlow girl. That is all. » | I swear I got this first try, but I would've prefe... » | A wise woman just said to me: '(you are) interesti... » | I just thought I'd post to say...everyone is getti... » | Take my lame little quiz. Please. »

Say goodnight, not goodbye
We'll have to say goodbye to Marcia soon. I will cry. I cried reading her easyjournal. (shh!) I also cried reading Joel's, but that's a whole other issue. And soon, I'll be the one saying bye, but only for the summer. I can't help thinking about everything I will miss. I've never been away from my family for more than about a week at a time...How will they (I) handle three and a half months. I'll be missing: Eva's wedding, Marcia coming home for her sister's wedding, harvest festival (not actually that important), well, basically all of summer. I don't even know how different the weather gets up there. Cold at night apparently, and if there's heat, it'll be humid, which I despise.
