« Home | The One With... I just watched the last episode of... » | Good news everybody... My (new) boss called me at ... » | Mk, I know it's 2 AM on Sunday morning, but I just... » | Oh, don't leave home... The other day, I started t... » | Heyhey so...it's been awhile. I don't know what to... » | As it turns out, we ended up not going to the city... » | Yes, so yesterday I went to the city with my mom a... » | It has yet to be determined whether my recent penc... » | So yesterday, yesterday. Me and Holly went to the ... » | Guess what kind of music I'm listening to? Not cou... »

Yesterday me and my parents went to the city...we went to Parent's orientation, well, they did, I went to Start@u1. Which is good, because unless you go, you can't register for classes. Good news and bad news. I now know how to plan my timetable and how to register online. Bad news...what the hell am I doing at university anyway! It crossed my helpless mind sometimes during the session yesterday...maybe I can just get married and forget this whole stupid thing...which is definitely not what I want to do. I would just be proving everyone right. Blah. But those were merely my frustrated thoughts. Marriage at this point would definitely be considered second choice, I'd be settling ( and don't you dare say 'you don't have a boyfrie-' just stop right there). Yeah so nursing is completely out, like I can't even stand the thought. Now I'm thinking Dietitian/Nutritionist, which does involve some science and math, but I figure I can handle some stuff. See, my main problem is, I want to take minimal math, minimal science, and in my chosen career, work as little as possible with the general public as possible. See my problem?

So next after that I decide I want a haircut. I make the mistake of going to magicuts. *shiver* this lady walks up to me and honestly says 'what can i do for yous' [/brooklyn accent]...plus she couldn't pronounce 'r's which was funny sometimes. 'oh i'm sowwy my deaw' is what she said when accidentally combed my nose. So she doesn't wash my hair, and doesn't blow it dry. I was kinda mad, but still in a daze from university, so I really didn't care. I even tip her quite well. Anyhoo, it turned out pretty good after all. My hair I mean, nothing else.

So in the evening was people over. Notice how I didn't say party? Well, that was kind of a blur, but there was food, and there were people. Then today was the family party. The one where you actually tell people it's a birthday/going away party. I had this awful feeling about it. Then I realized. I felt really guilty. Because, these people were probably going to miss me a bit, and well, I just don't miss people, per say. I miss things, being lazy that kinda thing. And while I will miss home, i can't say I will be homesick. But of course it's been predicted for me already. Mmmhmm. I really don't miss people until they're back. D'ya know what I mean? Oh, I see someone I haven't seen for a while. And while they might've crossed my mind from time to time, it's absolute bollocks to go up to them and say..'oh i missed you sooo much' just like it's bollocks to tell me you're going to miss me. The only person who is going to miss me is my mom. i shit you not.

Anyway, this week I start making myself get up early..so early-nighters!
