« Home | Well, here I amI didn't want to say I'm home, beca... » | 14 more days and I'm home. It was supposed to be t... » | It's finally my day off again, and I'm bored out o... » | Hey everybody what's going on? (I feel like I've s... » | This is my mass email I'd rather not repeat it al... » | Hey, hey...so it's about time I add something hey... » | Guess I don't have to worry about being homesick S... » | so this is... Well, this might be it for a while, ... » | Credits to Holly ;)Posted by Hello Yeah this was ... » | it gets less and less good each time To make a sho... »

Wow, I can't believe I slept this late. Bugger. Considering my alarm was set for seven. Ouch. The last thought that went through my head was: yeah, why bother setting it for six? I'll get up already! I guess CHVN coming on every nine minutes wasn't exactly motivation to get moving. So sleeping 12 hours (consecutively) after sleeping about 4 hours a night for a whole summer doesn't really feel great. I think it's making me sick, or I am sick and that's why I slept so long. One of the two.

Funny story about the world getting smaller. I apologize if you don't care, oh wait, no I don't. Yesterday I get this email from my profile (MSN), and it's from Scott's brother. Strange. He was looking at profiles, found mine, followed the link to here, and was shocked to learn I know Scotty. Very strange. I haven't written to tell Scott yet, but I haven't gotten any responses to the pleading lonely emails I've sent all of them. :(

It's so strange. People are actually calling me and trying to get together with me. I don't know what to do.
