« Home | Look at me! Look at me! Look what I did! Aren't yo... » | Whoa, people are actually listening to my call-to-... » | I'm sitting here listening to the rain fall outsid... » | There are times in my life where a butterfly takes... » | You know, comfort comes in the strangest forms som... » | Wow, I can't believe I slept this late. Bugger. Co... » | Well, here I amI didn't want to say I'm home, beca... » | 14 more days and I'm home. It was supposed to be t... » | It's finally my day off again, and I'm bored out o... » | Hey everybody what's going on? (I feel like I've s... »

Well, I didn't bruise at all from my donation, I think I'll do it again. Of course!

Today I went to Mitchell. I went to pick up Annie. I was so excited the whole day...I could barely contain myself when they pulled into the parking lot of a local restaurant to meet me. The next hour was filled with a tour of Charissa's house as well as a lot of hugs, confessions of love, blown kisses, and a little bit of ass-grabbing for old times sake. I did nothing in the evening though. There was a call to go out for coffee, but remember what I said about pretending? I'm try to avoid not pretending. Which means I don't like confrontation.

I'm going to be a bit candid. What existed up there, seemed like a completely different world. Where I had friends that actually were excited to be with me. Not that I'm not loved here, I know I am. It's just, in high school, we were a huge group. A huge very-underwhelming group. And I'll admit, amougst us, there were people who we considered prominent. I don't know quite why, be they more popular amoung other groups, making them more in demand for us, or they being good at things, like sports or music, or they were just more attractive than the rest of us. I don't know, this is speculation. But I've discussed this (with myself, ha) before, and I've never had friends like these girls. Girls who are more like who I want to be, than anyone I've ever met. I feel slightly loser-y saying that kind of stuff. And I realize that they could be reading this. I love you guys.(oh, oh, guys, check out my sidebar, under fanlistings! MY GIFT IS MY SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) And I know getting together this year might be a little tougher than we imagine, but I still want to try. Hard. We're all home now.

Well, now that I've alienated half the people I know...
