Well, back to school now I guess. Back to the 'Pasadena Pit'. Ah, good times. I'm just looking forward to having everything in a routine so that it's not such an effort to do things. And getting the internet. Very looking forward to that. This weekend I sewed myself a curtain for my closet. Everyone else has bright bright yellow, but she ran out of fabric like that so she gave me some funky stuff with a yellow-orange pattern and I made my own. Fun times on a Saturday night. I think I'm going to keep accumlating food over the course of the year, I just keep getting more and more, and therefore, I just keep eating it. It's awful.
Tomorrow night, me and Cherise are going to the quad to watch Farenheit 9/11. Woo, not really looking forward to the movie itself, naturally. But getting out, is very very good. Well, I better get back.
Tomorrow night, me and Cherise are going to the quad to watch Farenheit 9/11. Woo, not really looking forward to the movie itself, naturally. But getting out, is very very good. Well, I better get back.