« Home | Home-work » | As you can probably obviously tell, we don't have ... » | Well, back to school now I guess. Back to the 'Pas... » | I made it! I'm home! One week of school down...abo... » | I guess, this is it. Tomorrow I'm moving out. I do... » | I feel...poor. Yesterday, I went to the city with ... » | Hey, how's it going? In a few minutes, I'm going o... » | I'm so freakin' bored out of my mind. I move in 3 ... » | Yesterday was Pam's wedding. It was beautiful. It ... » | Well, I didn't bruise at all from my donation, I t... »

out of junk food/friendships

I'm going through my second bowl of chocolate pudding. I had to make my own freakin' pudding, so strapped for junk food I am. I can't believe I've made it this far without having a whole stash. But I guess the guilt of having someone else pay for it might do it. Today thus far I have completed the absolute minimum amount of homework so that might not be too panicked tomorrow. Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays suck. Tonight I feel I don't know, sick or off or something for some reason. I got the internet here last night, I feel very underwhelmed about it at the moment. I think I made my first new friend today (woo! three cheers!). After my math lab I got talking to a girl who just transfered into my class, so I guess she just wanted to know stuff, but I'm saving a seat for her tomorrow. Woo for me.

Friendships sometimes can be a bit much work when only one party is interested huh? When one pursues too much, an outside party or even the seemingly uninterested party could conclude someone was wanting more out of the relationship then there is. Which totally isn't the case. I mean, can we all just be friends?! Why can't you just freakin call me?????

Oh, oh oh oh...I'm probably buying a car!! I'm so pumped! WOOOO! It's a 1994 sunbird (chicken, ha!) and it's my brother-in-laws, so therefore it's in great condition. I'm kinda pumped.

Today in Psychology, my professor asked if there was anyone who didn't believe in evolution. We were studying psychological perspectives. Being in the almost front, I definetly didn't have the advantage of being able to look around without looking like a complete eejit. So, surprising myself, I just raised my hand almost immediatly (or I'd like to think immediatly anyway). I didn't see anyone who raised their hand, and I sure got looked at. I couldn't see, but judging by my prof's reaction, I'd guess less than 10 people out of 200 raised their hand. Lets hope the rest were undecided, eh?
