« Home | I'm sending you a valentine So I figured I should ... » | I must've said 'oh dear' about a billion times tod... » | Oh dear 'Oh dear' is my phrase of the moment. Pink... » | I just got an email saying that, if I was against ... » | I..am..bored. No lie, for once I am actually hones... » | They're all anesthetized by your aesthetic qualiti... » | Muhahaha, it must be Friday So what if my first re... » | Where have I been, anyway? It seems ages since I'v... » | So...that's what it feels like So let's face it. I... » | Lately I stumbled across something called fanlist... »

What's red, green, and CHOCOLATE?
Yum, candy cane chocolate chip ice cream! Although it seems a little late in the Christmas season to be enjoying such a thing, I only lately discovered it in our freezer. I wish we had it year round. I also wish everyday was Christmas, but what can ya do?

Today started out as such a good day at work. I wouldn't be able to tell you why, because I just don't know. But then after closing it just went from bad to worse. I was screwing everything up and I just felt awful about it.

Today is art's birthday. Nope, nobody I know with the name Art. On January 17, 1963, a French artist decided that 1,000,000 years ago there was no art. Until, that is, someone dropped a dry sponge into a bucket of water. I don't know if that's art. Well, maybe you should talk to Meagan about that.
