« Home | They're all anesthetized by your aesthetic qualiti... » | Muhahaha, it must be Friday So what if my first re... » | Where have I been, anyway? It seems ages since I'v... » | So...that's what it feels like So let's face it. I... » | Lately I stumbled across something called fanlist... » | Yeah so, I never made it church this morning. I be... » | Hmm hmm hmm Well today was a total buggered waste.... » | Why does time seem to pass so slowly when you're j... » | Sleeping Beauty Ahh, I watched Sleeping Beauty ton... » | So that's what I did tonight. I'm sorry I've no i... »

I..am..bored. No lie, for once I am actually honestly bored. And lazy apparently, since I thought of going out, but decided going out required not pajamas and makeup. Hey, I'll save myself one day's worth of makeup.

I honestly don't think this fishing lodge thing will work out. I honestly don't want it to. The money would be nice, it would. But the fact that I could only work half the summer, plus I'm not really qualified to do anything at all. Plus! I don't want to miss Eva and Jakob's wedding! I was kinda looking forward to a birthday away from home, where it would be the same. No one would know it was my birthday here or there. Fun.

I think I might have to go out...to save my sanity.
