Where have I been, anyway? It seems ages since I've been here. Well, Tuesday night, even though I didn't feel like it, me and Cherise went to Rock's. She needed a Corona before she left. Since I didn't have any cash, she paid for my drink, but I will be paying her back in the form of a package (anyone want to contribute?). Since the bar closed at midnight, it was a pretty early night, plus I think she still had some packing to do, and she was going to stay up all night anyway. Then last night I went to Java Junktion with Holly, and then we went to see Cheaper by the Dozen. Hm, I did like it. It was cute, plus so was TOM WELLING!!! Such a cutie. And when I haven't been out, I've been working, and when I haven't been working, I've had my nose buried in Interview with the Vampire. Yes, very good times.