I just got an email saying that, if I was against child abuse, I should pass it on. Well, of course being a fervent supporter of children being abused, there's no way I could've sent that message on. It would have gone against everything that I believe in, everything that I hold dear. How could I sent this message on to inform people that child abuse is wrong when I strongly believe that it is my right, nay, civil duty to beat to a pulp every ankle biter that I see?
Now that you're done rolling your eyes at my pathetic attempt at humor, I must poke (but not fun) at something else that I see. Oh boy. Everyone seems lately so....well....pathetic. I'm really sorry but, I don't pity you, not really, not ever. You have no reason, or at least no real reason to feel sorry for yourself. You've looked so deep inside yourself that all you can see now, is yourself. Hey, I'm not saying that I'm not selfish, I'm one of the most selfish people EVER. But I don't pity myself, not for a second. I'm fully aware of the choices I might make through time, and I've conciously made every single one of them. NO REGRETS.
Hm, I am fully aware that my comments don't work and that you are getting javascript errors. Unless I decide otherwise, if you want to leave me a comment or something, you can email me...who doesn't love that? I might or might not fix this...depends on whether or not I want to lose all the comments from the past..and who doesn't need to lose a little of the past now and then?
Now that you're done rolling your eyes at my pathetic attempt at humor, I must poke (but not fun) at something else that I see. Oh boy. Everyone seems lately so....well....pathetic. I'm really sorry but, I don't pity you, not really, not ever. You have no reason, or at least no real reason to feel sorry for yourself. You've looked so deep inside yourself that all you can see now, is yourself. Hey, I'm not saying that I'm not selfish, I'm one of the most selfish people EVER. But I don't pity myself, not for a second. I'm fully aware of the choices I might make through time, and I've conciously made every single one of them. NO REGRETS.
Hm, I am fully aware that my comments don't work and that you are getting javascript errors. Unless I decide otherwise, if you want to leave me a comment or something, you can email me...who doesn't love that? I might or might not fix this...depends on whether or not I want to lose all the comments from the past..and who doesn't need to lose a little of the past now and then?