I must've said 'oh dear' about a billion times today. Want to know why? Well, the people, rather, person, from Kississing Lake Lodge called me. Fun, huh? I had already given completely up on it, and then she calls. Oh great. We had about an 1/2 hour conversation, which made me believe I probably had this job, and then at the end she says that nothing's for sure. I want this sooo badly. Oh dear, this is a big deal. I was sooo nervous about telling my boss, but she said it was no big deal and I was very very very very relieved. But now, this week she's checking my references, which will be fine, and then she's calling me next week to set up an interview I suppose. They live in Steinbach so that's where it'd be. Apparently this lodge is a '5 star experience' and 'Dinner is a white tablecloth affair'. Yikes.