« Home | I must've said 'oh dear' about a billion times tod... » | Oh dear 'Oh dear' is my phrase of the moment. Pink... » | I just got an email saying that, if I was against ... » | I..am..bored. No lie, for once I am actually hones... » | They're all anesthetized by your aesthetic qualiti... » | Muhahaha, it must be Friday So what if my first re... » | Where have I been, anyway? It seems ages since I'v... » | So...that's what it feels like So let's face it. I... » | Lately I stumbled across something called fanlist... » | Yeah so, I never made it church this morning. I be... »

I'm sending you a valentine
So I figured I should actually add content to this site instead of just submitting it to other sites and adding funny little buttons to mine. I have way too much fun with html. Or none at all. You decide.

So I was saying today how much I hate Valentine's Day. I do. Well, for now at least. You know what I mean. Two of my cashier promised to give me Valentines. I hope they do. I feel like buying Strawberry Shortcake Valentines and then mailing them to whoever. If people will send me their mailing addresses, I will send you a Valentine. Just to make that stupid day more bearable.

Also, the people from the first lodge I applied to, the one east of Dryden, FINALLY FINALLY emailed me back. And I emailed them back with my resume, etc. So we'll see what all happens with everything. I'm noticing now that work is so much more tolerable when you know you'll be leaving soon. I really am going to miss that place for all of my rantings and bitchings. I complain too much about work. I should be grateful to have work, and most everything else that I have.

Hm, my tendency to say 'oh dear' at the drop of a hat is beginning to annoy even me...
