Mondays are my favorite TV days. I never used to watch TV on Mondays (except for Everwood), until Holly got me hooked on The OC and Average Joe. Average Joe just makes me laugh. Part of me really wants to believe that reality TV is real, that these people are actually like this in real life, and that what they say wasn't handed to them in a script. Oh, to be so ignorant.
Today I had my first Winkler Tim Horton's donut. Yum yum. Tomorrow I must go for an ice cap. I LOVE those. Yes, even though it's nearly -40 C.
Just had the funniest conversation with Evag about when to have her bridal shower except she was in the middle of fixing her bathroom shower, so I kept asking her...what days won't it work for your shower? And she kept answering, we break it and fix it on a weekly basis, and I was really seriosly fixing the water shower. Good times with Eva G. She said next year I'd have to come visit her and her husband...does that sound absolutely surreal to anyone else?
Tomorrow's the actual day of my dentist appointment...and Joel's birthday! I'm guessing he got the package we sent him by now...anyway...
Today I had my first Winkler Tim Horton's donut. Yum yum. Tomorrow I must go for an ice cap. I LOVE those. Yes, even though it's nearly -40 C.
Just had the funniest conversation with Evag about when to have her bridal shower except she was in the middle of fixing her bathroom shower, so I kept asking her...what days won't it work for your shower? And she kept answering, we break it and fix it on a weekly basis, and I was really seriosly fixing the water shower. Good times with Eva G. She said next year I'd have to come visit her and her husband...does that sound absolutely surreal to anyone else?
Tomorrow's the actual day of my dentist appointment...and Joel's birthday! I'm guessing he got the package we sent him by now...anyway...