« Home | What's red, green, and CHOCOLATE? Yum, candy cane ... » | I'm sending you a valentine So I figured I should ... » | I must've said 'oh dear' about a billion times tod... » | Oh dear 'Oh dear' is my phrase of the moment. Pink... » | I just got an email saying that, if I was against ... » | I..am..bored. No lie, for once I am actually hones... » | They're all anesthetized by your aesthetic qualiti... » | Muhahaha, it must be Friday So what if my first re... » | Where have I been, anyway? It seems ages since I'v... » | So...that's what it feels like So let's face it. I... »

It's back to work tomorrow. Not like I a had a break from it or anything. Thank goodness the store is closed on Sundays, or I don't know what I'd do. This week I have Tuesday (the ACTUAL day of my dentist appointment, and Joel's birthday), and Friday off. I don't know what I'll do with Friday though. Not much most likely because I have an 8 hour shift on Saturday. It's all so boring sometimes I could just scream.

Me n Holly rented a movie tonight. It was The Good Girl. Really didn't expect it to be like that, so I'm glad I didn't go see it in theatres. Waay to disturbing.
