« Home | Mondays are my favorite TV days. I never used to w... » | It's back to work tomorrow. Not like I a had a bre... » | What's red, green, and CHOCOLATE? Yum, candy cane ... » | I'm sending you a valentine So I figured I should ... » | I must've said 'oh dear' about a billion times tod... » | Oh dear 'Oh dear' is my phrase of the moment. Pink... » | I just got an email saying that, if I was against ... » | I..am..bored. No lie, for once I am actually hones... » | They're all anesthetized by your aesthetic qualiti... » | Muhahaha, it must be Friday So what if my first re... »

Every six months, I go to the dentist and have the same conversation I had with my hygienist about six months previous. Always, always...she asks me if I have a 'significant other'. And always I laugh a little and give a stifled 'no way'...I mean she is poking around my mouth. Then she tells me (every time) how she only met her husband when she was 34. She understands me very well. I know have a new response to when people ask me why I don't have a boyfriend..'At first I thought it was my looks, now I'm sure it's my personality.' Should shut anyone up. She also encouraged me not to 'meet a nice American boy' up north this summer.

Coming soon: A list of all the locations mentioned in songs by The Weakerthans. Actual places, not just proper nouns, which would take forever-and-a-day. I was searching the internet for a list somewhere, finding no a one, I decided to make one myself.

My teeth hurt a lot.
