What have I done?
I was just reading some of my old posts, I do that sometimes, to see how my writing style has changed, or to remember things I've been through, and I came across a comment made, well, I don't know when it was made. I often don't check back to see if any comments were made, and I don't know how I feel about finding this one. Reading that made me feel awful. Like the person I've become has betrayed the person I was. But, was I ever really that person? I mean, it's nice to hear things like that, but when you know that that's not you, it just comes into sharp perspective who you haven't been. Who I haven't become. On one hand, I'm sad I haven't become a nicer, friendlier, more straight-laced person, but I'm extremely proud of the opinions I've formed from the experiences I've had, the risks I've taken, and the friends I have been able to make, despite myself.
who is mark wilson?
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:53 PM
honestly haven't the foggiest.
Posted by
Jen |
10:11 PM
I am *so* sorry my comment made you feel awful. I was trying to be encouraging - I obviously failed miserably. Please delete my comment.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:28 PM