it all starts with a....
Okay, stop me now. I believe I've reverted back to the stage in youth in which I drive my bike past my crush's house, hoping to...I don't know even know what for. Why do I believe that? Cuz that's what I've done. Except it's been my little sister's bike. Twice. And also while walking. In addition, when saying 'hi' (as he can in a really cute way!) I obsess and babble on about it to my little sister who I'm sure really couldn't care less. *sigh* what's wrong with me?
umm... how do i say this nicely? well jen you're what's typically known as a stalker. but who hasn't stalked someone at one point or another? well most normal people haven't i guess.... cheers anyway
Posted by
annie |
12:58 AM
heyheyhey...all facetiousness aside...i'm a completely normal...not-stalker person :P
Posted by
Jen |
9:22 PM
you're funny jen, the mental images were great. if i had known where that guy i was obsessed with in Grade 10 lived i would've been there all the time. happy stalking.
Posted by
Holly |
9:04 PM
speaking of 'that guy from grade 10'....i talk to his sister occasionally cuz she goes to my church in the city...and she thinks it's hilarious that a bunch of girls had huge crushes on her brother. fun times.
Posted by
Jen |
11:02 PM
he has a sister??? i should've made her my best friend.
Posted by
Holly |
4:12 PM
oh jen. i have mental pictures of you and the makes me laugh with joy!
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:56 AM