I'm back. I guess. Why is it so cold? I wore flipflops into a convenience store in Sioux Falls, and it was snowing, and my toes got very cold. Then again, I wore sandals to church this morning. I don't want to give it up. :(...I'm supposing you'll all want to know what went on, and you'll all get the rundown eventually. But it's nice to tell people that I had an awesome time and a bit of what we did and leave it at that, but most people want to know more. Blah. It'll be easier once I get my pictures developed though. I'm just glad to be home I think. I don't want to be here, but I'm glad I'm back. Tomorrow I've got a midterm that I haven't started studying for, but it'll be okay, and I still have to write the paper I got an extension for. I have no food in this place so I also need to go grocery shopping. I can no longer even think about beans (frijoles!) or corn tortillas, they make me want to puke. But no offense to any of you that like that. It was very frustrating to not know any Spanish.
Have I changed? Yes, I have, but not in the ways you think.
Have I changed? Yes, I have, but not in the ways you think.
jen!!! you're home!!! that makes me happy :) anytime you want to talk, or not talk, about it, i'm here for you! a week can be a short, yet long time. hugs for you the second i see you!
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:43 PM
i'm glad you're back safe and sound! i'd love to hear about your week sometime!! good luck on your midterms!
Posted by
Lori |
1:15 PM
Thanks guys! I'm looking forward to sharing, but I hate the feeling that I'm boring people out of their minds...
one midterm down...two to go!!!
Posted by
Jen |
5:32 PM
never boring jen. believe me, i understand thinking it's boring to other people. it's not :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:28 PM