You know you're in trouble when....
You start using word count after your first sentance in an essay. But I'm doing okay so far though, it's coming along, and hopefully by the end of today I'll be done. Wouldn't that be crazy? Starting and finishing a paper in a day? I hope it turns out okay though. I'm shooting for a B in the class, which would be amazing. Oh! I just want to have this paper done! I have to figure out also some sort of treasure hunt for an area I haven't seen yet for the trip. Kinda scared about that.
I saw the purple city last night. It was beautiful.
I saw the purple city last night. It was beautiful.
an essay started and finished in one day? when do i do anything else??? wow, jen. i admire you for your diligence and planning. and you will be amazing in mexico, because you are there for Jesus and Him alone! you are to God's glory! :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:15 PM
diligence? planning?? two words that definetly do not describe how this all came into place...ah, God is good.
Posted by
Jen |
4:23 PM