tonight = weirdest night ever
So tonight, after the last Mexico meeting...woo! and Eva go out for coffee, because it was revealed in the meeting that we had more in common than we initially thought. Huh, you just never know what's going on in someone's life...including mine. So, anyway, we were at Tim Horton's on Pembina (yeah, usually the only one I ever go to) so this was at about 12 or so when some older guys start playing their guitars and it was really nice. A little funny too. Anyway, when we were leaving we thanked them for their music, and we got into conversations about ourselves, telling them we were about to go to Mexico, etc. It seemed like one of the guys was kinda prophesying over us after we told him what we did, what we will do in the was really interesting. Then as we were talking to them, Tom, the night baker guy, was you guys want any of this stuff? I'm about to throw it out. So Eva gets a huge bag of was super awesome. Talk about a weird evening. I go to the meeting dragging my feet, hoping that it would last somewhat less than 3 hours, but I come out 7 hours later feeling much better. Especially about what I need to do before I leave. It won't be pleasant, but things need to be said to people...
jenny, i prayed for you last night. and we all prayed for the team to mexico. but i especially prayed for you about other stuff too. i'm so glad you could spend that time with eva - she rocks, hey? love that chick :) and you, especially you! wow. you really blow my mind sometimes. and....i finished the bulk of my paper last night, so this afternoon i will be diligent and i can come out for supper!!! talk to you later...
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Anonymous |
10:01 AM