« Home | Computer over. Virus = very yes. » | me so tired » | And I don't want to talk about it, cuz I'm in love... » | Banana phone » | And I don't want a conversation, I just want to cr... » | I don't want to fall to pieces, I just want to sit... » | Feeling ever so not lonely » | There was a memo?! » | Ah, yes it's that day again... » | The Midnight Run »

24 hours means 24 hours right?!

Me and Rae hop in the sun-chicken and go cruising for some late night McD's...the first two that advertise being open 24 hours were not in fact open at all. The last and final one, I think it was on or off of Osbourne, which didn't advertise openness, was the one we found open. BUT, it was past midnight, and was now fishy friday. So we had to pay full price for our 2 cheeseburgers meal. Oh well. Good times at confusion corner.

Sometimes I get really really angry, and all I can do is shout and swear, because the moment I have a chance to resolve my problem, I back off because I can't deal with confrontation. Yay me. But this time, I'm promising things are changing. They will change, I swear. Even if I have to do some...low level action. (read: be a bitch)

I was talking about this with Marcia today...what does it mean when you don't have butterflies when it comes to that certain someone? Like, I just don't feel it, although I know I think I like him. Right? Is this a grown-up crush?
