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Something I forgot to say before...when me and Yvonne were at the grocery store the other day, there were some things that had the funniest sayings on them. One box of cakes had as it's catch phrase, "This taste will warm the cockies of the heart"...which was hilarious until a few moments ago that it actually would make sense if they had said 'cockles', something which can be warmed in your heart. Strange stuff. There were other ones, but I'm forgetful.

We went to see Annie get baptized this weekend. It was amazing. I've never seen her so happy. Church of the Rock is just...completely different from what I've experienced before. This morning I went to FGMC, where everyone not from Winnipeg now living here goes. It was...much like any church at home...given it was mennonite. I think that CotR is where I want to go.
