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One more distraction

This is the last distraction before I continue looking for my book and 'finish' my paper. I promise. But if I don't write stuff down now, I'll forget.

So Thursday started off rainy and yucky and just gross. I picked up the football tickets!! I'm pretty pumped. After my classes, it was even snowing slushily. Gross. So my friend Yvonne who was in my last class with me lent me her umbrella, and said I could bring it back to her later. She called after her last class, and I was going to drive her home. Instead, she invited me over for supper! Isn't that awesome? So we go to a Chinese grocery store and we shop forever, and she buys me Pocky!!(It's the best, by the way) She made me curried chicken for supper because I said that I've never really had good curry. But this was a couple of hours after we started cleaning her place. Let's just say it was kinda messy. But it was so good, and after supper she made me some tea, like real tea from dried berries and tiny roses and all that. She even gave some bags, so I'll be enjoying that for a while. Let's see if I can get off coffee (not likely!). Anyway, it was a grood evening (good and great).

Hmm, last night I went out with Cherise and Gina. First we hung out at their place a little, then we headed out (well, I had gotten all prettied up) to a place called Hooligan's, I forget on what street it was on. It was a nice small pub, but a band was going to play eventually and we were sitting near the front, so we left. Then we went to a place called Dirty Laundry, which was pretty cool. We eventually made it back to their place where we started watching 13 going on 30, which I really don't like but it was okay, because it must've been the 3rd or 4th time I had seen it, plus I mean, I was pretty relaxed at that point and didn't care what I was watching. But I eventually made it home and fell into bed, and woke up here for the first time on a saturday! Yeah!

Tonight I'm going to Annie's baptism, and I'm trying to get tons of homework done before that. I keep getting distracted though, even from this. Organizing my inbox, making banana pancakes...arh! focus!! Oh, and yesterday, Gina said that I should apply at the place she's working. I think....that I will. I mean, I can start on Friday if I need to. I'm almost excited. It's actually strange for me to be not working. We'll see though. I'll end up never going home and my mom will be pissed. Oh well, I'm not so good with money.
