what a wonderful freakin world
So, seeing that Bowling for Columbine was on TV, I was like, oh great, now I can see it too ( cuz marce and annie watched it this weekend)...and now...it's 2 AM and i want to fix the world but i can't cuz it's 2 AM and should be sleeping. Movies like that make we wish that I could just leave (i know, leaving Canada, big deal) and wander the world and figure this all out and find the answer some where and bring it back to people and they'd be happy, but they wouldn't cuz they wouldn't listen anyway. Cuz i'd probably find out that they shouldn't eat mcdonalds or shouldn't shop at walmart or something crazy like that and who would really give that up, man. I mean, cheap food and cheap...stuff. i didn't even know that fricken walmart sold gun stuff. man. now i don't know what to do. kinda makes me want to vote NDP, get dreads and dress funny. ah, it'll pass....going to church tomorrow.
Yup, I watched that movie and wanted to go out and save the world. But, the fact that it was late was also a problem. I was in shock throughout that movie because no way was our world that crazy now... but apparently it is.
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9:17 AM