ah, the burden of knowledge
Remember being happy before being told that what you're supposed to do in life is succeed? Succeed as in the world's definition. Be rich, be a people person, strive to be better than others, have the biggest car and live in the best part of town. But what if I don't wanna?? Sorry, I seem to have the commerce blues, where it is shoved in our faces time and time again that we must get involved, so therefore it will give us experience and look good on our resumes. Can it pleeeeease all stop now? Maybe more on this later. But for now, Marcia has trouble beating off the boys due to the loss of her baseball bat.
Why is it that every studen I talk to in commerce is always getting the blues, is it reall thatbad, isn't university supposed to be fun, everyone i know is always so grumpy all the time, please smile , it's good on ya!
Posted by
Princess Pessimism |
11:56 PM
maybe marcia should try some good old repellent...it worked for me most of highschool ;)
Posted by
Lori |
11:51 AM
i don't know what sort of commerce blues I have, but as long as i know now i'm not alone in it i'm a little happier
Posted by
Jen |
3:57 PM
i'm glad i was able to realize what the world was doing to me mentally at a young age. i couldn't imagine myself 40 with a big house a luxury car and still angry at the world. i'm content with nothing and ready to give up everything.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:49 PM