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The question I never like to ask: 'Hey, have you seen my Bible?' Inevitably though, it's asked. Whether verbally or mentally, every Sunday and Wednesday. Then, at these places, I open it and see highlighting and underlining and notes. Sometimes wondering how and why they're there.

My mind is tending to not focus these days. Which is probably bad. I think I have a couple of hours of clairity everyday, for classes and homework and stuff, but not much leftover for general thinking. I think a lot off-topically during class though, strangely. Like, how I've always wanted to be a writer, but have always done so poorly in English (papers, anyway) that I never wanted to try for fear of crushing my hopes. That's what I think during Intro to Communications. During Mang. Accounting, I think either...wow I'd make the worst accountant or wow I'd be an awesome accountant. During Stats, I think a lot about nothing...and during Computer usage (computer useless) I think...why didn't I skip this class and I read a book, as he teaches us to...center text in Word. I do like writing though.

This weekend is Thanksgiving. Soon are midterms. Oh yeah, Happy second Birthday, Blog. and, happy first year of my ownership, Sunchicken.