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Late walks

Well, it seems that I am slowly and surely bringing my friends, one by one, into the folds of bloggery. It's a...different world guys. Marcia (marce-ee-ah) is our newest addition. She will soon outshine me in insightedness (not too hard to do, actually). Rae probably exceeds me in verbatim already. Sheesh. What am I to do.

Soon, me and Rae are going to go for our 11 pm scheduled walk. Yeah, I know it's getting late, but it is totally worth it, at any time. Um, so, back to school tomorrow. I don't work until Wednesday this week. Which is okay. I have a staff meeting on Saturday night, which prevents me from going to church, and work on Sunday...so we'll see if I can't switch that around. I would really hate to start missing church for work. See, at home, I would just sleep through church in my bed. Well my choices were sleep in bed or in the pew so you can see the dilemma. Hm, k, so now it's almost midnight, so I'm off to walk! Night!
