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mmm, hmmm
Holly, you're probably going to regret sending me that email from 'L and M', but I'm sorry. I laughed, I really did. The whole thing was calculated to make the people who wrote about CMU in their easyjournals somehow feel bad about what they wrote. All because it was written in some fanatical prose, trying to show off how much they learned at CMU. I should know about this, I've done it. Obviously not concerning CMU, but you know, other stuff. First of all, I didn't even read anyone's easyjournal where they mentioned CMU. Can someone point this out to me, I'd like to read and have more of the laughter. They speak about the year as if it was done, not as if they were in the first half of the first semester. Geez. It's like they wrote the original email in the way people actually talk, and then painstakingly translated it into a snobby language that no one speaks. It's sounds like it's out of a textbook, for crumcake's sake. There's a lot more going on in my head that I would publicly admit, but, I like to keep those thoughts semi-private. I really believe that some people who are attending bible school believe themselves to be superior to us people who are either attending secular schools or no school for the moment. I could also go off on a page long rant about that. I'm reawwy sowwy you were insulted by someone who wrote something in their frickin' easyjournal. It's an easyjournal for *expletive deleted*'s sake.

As someone who is regularly known to be opposed to Bible Colleges, this rant probably came as no surprise to some, so please, don't be surprised by it. Oh and by the way, if tales from the real world bother you that much, just go away, stop reading.

Ok, I just can't stop ranting. I found the entry where you poor things were so insulted and felt unsupported. First thing, it was almost a month ago. So, did it take you that long to find a thesaurus? As for the things ya'll are having issues about, it's good to be educated about the Bible, but, FAITH LIKE A CHILD people!!!!!!! You just HAVE to take things as they are, without overanalyzing things. You people sound like new-lifers and soon you're going to start saying that everyone is a god themselves!

Ok, you know what? I don't care. Call God whatever you want. Be it he-she or not. But please address some of the other issues that people have with CMU, say the heaven/hell thing. But I can't keep going.

"Can you practice what you preach, and would you turn the other cheek. Father, Father, Father help us, send some guidance from above, these people got me, got me questioning, where is the love?"